Boysterous Presents: The Stingray Gold Pack
Coming Thursday, June 24th Exclusively On WAX
And just like that, we have solidified our presence on the blockchain forever with our fashionable footprint. Now, of course those footprints are those of a proverbial infant, because we are certainly in the bambino stages of our unbounded potential with having just released our first pack series in our first collection of NFTs (The Alligator X Pack) on June 3rd. That is to say, you can expect to see exponential growth in our development, because we are here to stay and we have a seemingly insurmountable catalog of ideas and products that we want to introduce to the blockchain.
For those of you that were able to participate in our first pack release and have begun hodling Boysterous’ first NFTs, we hope that you have enjoyed and appreciated some of the rewards that have found themselves in your wallets. There’s one Hodler in particular that was rewarded with the opportunity to redeem the physical version of the Alligator X Pack. Pretty neat, if we say so ourselves! With all of that in motion, we’re feeling inspired and motivated to continue to find growth and opportunities in the WAX space and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.
We aren’t being provocative when we say that this journey is shared. As we navigate through our vision while also listening to our people and managing the expectations and desired outcomes from the community, both inside and outside our circle, we want all to know that we hear you and we consider your voices and opinions as we would a friend’s. We have gotten incredible feedback from our initial launch- most of the feedback is full of excitement and anticipation. However, there are some community members that are a bit weary of the products that we use in our designs- specifically, the use of animal leathers. We’d like to make it clear and evident to all that read this article and are familiar with our brand, that we are sympathetic to those that believe the use of animal products is inclement. We believe that it is important to question these practices and to challenge the ethical nature of anyone that decides to work with ANY product that comes from the Earth. We also believe that it’s equally important for one to do their homework on the sustainability practices in using the hides of animals. While we cannot speak for the entire industry when it comes to the trade, import, and export of animal products, we will speak for ourselves as to what our intentions are and how we procure our raw materials in line with the protective laws that govern the global trade industry.*
In short- we do not support the harming of animals and the degradation of vulnerable populations to serve our desires in making our original, meaningful works of art. We are actively involved in using products that are sourced sustainably through multiple efforts, for example: leather by-product from industrial uses, vegetable and naturally tanned leathers, using skins of animals that are considered invasive, and implementing the use of leather alternatives, such as mycelium leather. Additionally, we have heard from a significant number of our community members that we should consider donating a portion of our proceeds to the protection and preservation of vulnerable ecological populations. That is something that we have seriously considered since the inception of our vision in entering the fashion/NFT space. We are currently working on a notable project to introduce our efforts in contributing to the conservation and protection of vulnerable and endangered species. So be sure to stay up to date on our announcements on Twitter & Discord because we have something truly special in motion.
With that said, it’s time to get to the essence of this article: The Stingray Gold pack release. Coming to AtomicHub on Thursday, June 24th at 2pm, the Stingray Gold pack will be the second of our first three NFT pack releases on the WAX platform. While you are reading this article, there’s a good chance that you’ve read our first two publications- NFTs, But Make It Fashion, and Boysterous Presents: NFTs. And if you haven’t read them, we highly recommend that you do. They are an entertaining read at the least and enlightening/educational at best. If you are interested in NFTs at any level, you will likely find them informative. But for the sake of brevity, we’ll spare you the descriptive details on what you can expect to find in the Stingray Gold pack release regarding our NFTs and the differences in Moments & Tokens. We will also omit the utility functions of our NFTs in terms of staking and burning, and their relationship to NFT-FI & Onessus as there haven’t been any notable updates and the current information is available in the aforementioned articles. However, we will provide some detailed information on the distinct similarities and differences between the first pack release (Alligator X) and the next release (Stingray Gold).
And those are as follows:
Alligator X = Unlimited pack availability for the two hour sale
Stingray Gold = Limited pack availability for the two hour sale
What this means:
We used the Alligator X pack release as a litmus test to set the overall standard for scarcity and availability of the projects following the first launch. In total, we minted 1,480 Alligator X packs in the unlimited two hour sale. The assets that were distributed in the first pack release will never be minted again (you would know this if you’ve read the first two articles). In using the data from our inaugural launch and as we planned our next campaigns, we made the decision to mark the limit for the availability of the Stingray Gold pack to 1,480. With that being the case, we encourage you to mark the release date in your calendars (June 24th @ 2pm EST) because we have a feeling that these packs will go fast.
Contained Within The Packs:
Alligator X = 10 total base cards, 4 of the 65 minted assets per pack
Stingray Gold = 18 total base cards, 9 of the 115 minted assets per pack
What this means:
In line with the NFT assets that were found in the Alligator X pack, there will be Boysterous Moments & Tokens distributed in the Stingray Gold pack. The most significant difference regarding the contents of the two packs is the amount of NFTs that are distributed in each of them. More than twice the amount are distributed in the Stingray Gold pack (9) than were in the Alligator X pack (4). The NFTs minted in the Stingray Gold pack will be characteristically different from the NFTs that were minted in the Alligator X pack. So you can expect to see a new wave of beautiful crafted Tokens and boisterously captured Moments in the Stingray Gold pack. The most significant similarity regarding the contents of the two packs are the likely percentages of one receiving specific rarities in any given Alligator X or Stingray Gold pack. And those percentages and rarities are as follows:
Light Version:
Diamond 1%
Gold 2%
Platinum 4%
Bronze 7%
Pearl 10%
Dark Version:
Diamond 1%
Gold 3%
Platinum 6%
Bronze 9%
Pearl 12 %
Diamond 3 %
Gold 5%
Platinum 8%
Bronze 10%
Pearl 19%
And now we find ourselves toward the end of this long-winded dissertation on our next pack release- Stingray Gold. But if you’ve stuck around throughout the read, we hope that we have you informed and excited about our launch on June 24th. Around this point in our last article, Boysterous Presents: NFTs, we mentioned that we had an exciting announcement, i.e., redeemable products. And we were excited to have launched the first redeemable asset with our first pack release. As mentioned earlier, one of our Boysterous hodlers had the opportunity to redeem the physical version of the first ever Boysterous pack release. Pretty f*cking cool. We have no intentions on stopping there, however. For those of you who plan to participate in the Stingray Gold pack release on June 24th, you can look forward to the opportunity in redeeming the physical version of the Stingray Gold pack (as long as you find yourself to be the top holder of Stingray Gold packs at the end of the launch). And please note: if there are multiple wallets that are equal in holding the largest collection of Stingray Gold packs, the winner for the redeemable pack will be chosen at random. We will also be introducing a 1of1 redeemable Stingray Gold wallet to another of our top hodlers. Be sure to keep up with our Twitter & Discord to stay up to date on more information regarding the Stingray Gold pack release. See you on June 24th at 2pm EST, exclusively on WAX.
*we comply with all laws surrounding the importation and exportation of exotic leathers and can provide CITES information on materials and/or products that may or may not be available to imported/exported to/from a particular country upon client request